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Head Tool

Madden 15 Houdini Head Tool

Head Tool

Madden 15 Crowds

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Madden 13 Broadcasters

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Madden 12 Fireworks

HandPoser Tool

HandPoser (python)

Scenebuilder Tool
Create Texture Pipeline Script
Prepare Animation MEL Script Prepare Animation (MEL)
RIB Editor Tool RIB Editor (perl)
Prepare Crowd Animation
MEL script

HandPoser tool GUI with hand icons

Use Case: Animator needs to prepare a set of MotionBuilder fbx animation files for editing in Maya.

Summary: A pipeline script for converting new animation data back to a legacy animation system that still needed to be maintained for dev reasons.

Details: In the crowd animation pipeline for this game project, Maya and MotionBuilder had different animation systems. There was an older animation pipeline that used only Maya, and a newer system which was preferred by the animators that used MotionBuilder. The animators needed to convert files created in MotionBuilder back to the old Maya animation system with minimum hassle.

The script would take a folder of animation files and open them one by one. In each file it would change the scale of the root node, remove certain keyframes, and cut the timeline down to the first and last keyframe detected in the file. It would save out the file as a Maya binary instead of a MotionBuilder fbx.

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