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HandPoser Tool

HandPoser (python)

Scenebuilder Tool
Create Texture Pipeline Script
Prepare Animation MEL Script Prepare Animation (MEL)
RIB Editor Tool RIB Editor (perl)
Python with wxPython and MotionBuilder

HandPoser tool GUI with hand icons

Use Case: Animator working in MotionBuilder needs to assemble a scene with the specified characters and animations.

Summary: An animation tool for assembling a new cut scene. The animator specifies the character types, rigs, and optional source animation they wish to use, and the tool builds the scene so that the animator can begin work.

Details: The first revision of this tool (left) was written before MotionBuilder had good user interface controls available to the scripter. Instead of being integrated into the MotionBuilder GUI, it is a standalone app that communicates with MotionBuilder 2009 or 2011 through telnet. It was written in Python with wxPython for the GUI.

The second revision of the tool is integrated into MotionBuilder 2012 using the new user interface scripting controls.

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